Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Conspiracy Theory Indeed

So guess what Microsoft just released today. Yep. You gussed it. 2X RDP client for android and iPhone. The big news is starting today, you don't need Windows server to host. You can do it right on your desktop or laptop. Your handheld device now has full access to everything on your hard drive from anywhere you are. Why do I not have a big fat check in my mailbox?  I am telling you what. For days on end they told me it just wasn't possible when I knew better. I proved it. And I am a little bitter. If you are confused , read my earlier blog.
I was questioning my own sanity. I mean, really Microsoft watched me for hours on end researching how to control my laptop as if I am sitting right there. I mean, anyone can access their 3 to 5 folders. You know the ones. But to be in control of your entire home network with over 3 terabytes of storage and quad core processors and endless recordings on dvrs with your little tiny handheld device, that was my goal. To grab a recorded episode and dlna to your grandmas tv when you visit her in Florida and your network is in Michigan.  That is what I had for that short time. Over 50 hrs straight of no sleep.  I. Checked my router today. Just under 600 gigs have came in this month.

Yeah. And this s how I find out. My laptop is not booting. I wrote both these blogs on my phone.  But I do have a desktop in the house. So today I'm working on it. Trying not to delete the programs my 15 year old uses, I figure out how to get directv2pc again.  It comes with the first download but the first program that runs tells you your system is not capable of hosting it. Just go back in to your download file, sort by date and time, and it's already there, ready to go. Fire it up and 5 min later you get an email with the key.
Anyhow, I'm doin my thing. It has some good ideas, set up New user with an empty start file and a browser with no add ons. System is free to start throwing video.
I have to update everything.  The video card is 4 update behind. All the sudden, windows asks me if I would like to update. Sure. Its a smallvsecurity update with an optional something or other.

It's 2X RDP for Windows 7 with server. Not client, server. The key I started looking for a week ago. The one they told me on chats, in blogs, in forums, that I could not have, that would not run on a machine not designed from the ground up to be a dedicated server. Noon est. 
Yes, when I was looking for drivers and updates, I left the survey window open so they could watch.

So, am I Mel Gibson in conspiracy theory, or did I spark a fire inside the largest software design company in the world. Did they give me that software and then take it back?  I don't. Know. But what a ride and a learning experience.

I really want my laptop back in the condition it was in before I left for work that day. If you 're listening.